Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Garlic Soup - Opening the Season

Today was another perfect day - not too warm, yet with an intermittant breeze to hint at cooler-to-come Autumn weather. But when summer is past tense and I have the sudden inspiration for my Toasted Garlic Soup Provençal , then for me that signifies an official seasonal change. I just don't feel like it in summer. Nope, that's gazpacho time. You will note that my last entry about my garlic soup was in May. That was 'end of the past season time'. From then on it slipped over to summer fare. And different things to do with garlic. Like ailioli.

Reggie and I always have two bowls of garlic soup before on to the main. It is definately a two bowl soup, although one IS enough. Second course today was sole cooked in a little butter and olive oil served with millet and also a side of broad green beans with fine half rings of sweet onion and a little winter savoury.

Made for a fine meal. Flies thought so too. Unfortunetly, now is the fly season and if you just THINK seafood out on the terrace, it seems swarms of them start gathering for the feast. But I outfoxed them. I deboned the fish, left those bits in the pan as bait at the far end of the table and we were more or less left alone. The few clever ones not interested in fish head et al were deterred by my home made repellant I made up with essential oils.

It worked. But we decided next time we have fish or seafood, we are definately dining inside where we are hardly bothered and don't have to fox the flies.

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