Saturday, December 01, 2007

World's most expensive dessert - a serendipity?

Decadence seems to be on the tip of my tongue lately.

Believe me...I am not one to rejoice over another's misfortune - it's just not my nature, but I simply could not help a snigger and a thought about justice over this one. Just days after the New York eatery Serendipty 3 introduced their $25,000 Frozen Haute Chocolate dessert with much PR and fanfare, they fail not only miserably one inspection but two within one month and had to close.

Is it just me, or is there something wrong here about luxury food + 'insane' prices? I didn't read anything about this dessert being auctioned off for a good cause...that would justify such a price. It's the rich person's version of a Dairy Queen Sundae and you get to keep the cup and the plastic spoon...only this time the spoon is gold.

Just think of it. $25,000 for a fancy chocolate icecream sundae made in a kitchen with resident rodents, roaches and other revolting 'things'. Sick. Sick. Sick. You know, there is but a fine line between the rich and the decadent rich.

Whoever ordered it, certainly deserved their just desserts.

(I promise no more rants for a while ;>)

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