The October menu is up. Here's a hint: first course is Spicy Pumpkin-Coriander Soup, garanteed to put a smile on your face.
And me...what happened that I neglected this blog and the site since beginning of summer? Well, a computer glitch at first. Then just not having it back! The only fellow I trust to work on it picked it up, as usual and took it home over the weekend. But then he has an accident on the way back from Barcelona from visiting his girl friend. Hospital - 6 weeks, then several more at home before he can even think about working. And so the summer went.
Then two unexpected visits long over due - 6 years since the last time for either. That always throws things off, but it was a lovely time together.
Well, as you see I have my beast back...and I am still catching up on lost time and work.
I need a secretary/clone to do my work for me. And keep my desk cleared. I must be dreaming.
Sigh. One day I will figure out why I am doing all this :>D
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