Sunday, August 12, 2007

Salmon Trout with Rosti

One of my very favourite fish is the salmon trout (belongs to the rainbow trout family, I think). A little smaller than the salmon and much bigger than a trout, it is neither one or the other but seems to have the best qualities of the two. A delicious, delicate flavour with the fine texture of trout.

This time I served the filets with rosti (a kind of Swiss potato patty - very simple) topped with sour cream (or creme fraiche or smand). For eye apeal to compliment the colours of the dish, I chose steamed cauliflower florets tossed with fresh spinach, lightly sweated in melted butter.

The secret to serving meltingly succulent fish filets is to never overcook them and like pasta, always serve on well warmed plates.

I used a generous amount of melted butter and coconut oil (a wonderful flavour combination) to which I added a small garlic clove. The filets were lightly seasoned with a little herbal salt and a grating of mixed pepper - no lemon this time.

Over medium heat, cook the fish on the skin side until the thinner edges begin to change colour. This will take about 3-4 minutes. Use two spatulas to turn over, wait a few seconds then turn the heat off. Leave them while you arrange the rosti on very warm plates and keep in the oven. Have the spinach sweating while you do this. When the spinich is wilted, add the cauliflower and bit of butter and toss. Using two spatulas, place the fish on the plate, then the cauliflower. Top the rosti with the sour cream, garnish all with chopped chive and serve immediately.

A Grauburgunder white wine goes well with salmon trout as does a good medium dry Champagne.

I think we'll have a repeat of this next was sooo good!

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