Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ravioli - Pumpkin and Walnut Pasta Pillows in Sage Butter

I get in the mood for certain foods and when the thought knaws on my palate long enough, then I simply must make them.

So it was yesterday with my 'very large' raviolis filled with a mix of pumpkin, onion and walnut - toasted and finely chopped of course. I had to make them. The sage leaves are crisped in the butter, just as it turns tan - then the cooked raviolis are 'turned' in the butter gently and served on warm plates. And these too, I will have up on the Recipe Collection.

I served these as a main course with steamed, fine green beans, tossed with a little butter. The first course was chicken broth with lots of parsley and a little meat...but it can just as well have been a salad. It just so happened that I had made the chicken stock the day before...to nurse my cold.

These can also be served as a first course...just one sitting in a lovely broth garnished with herbs such as chive or lightly sautéed spring onion diagonally sliced.

My mother loved them - especially the crispy sage leaves. They are delicious!

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